Monday, February 9, 2009

What exactly is CEH training and the CEH exam?

By Scott Heron

When the time comes that you are looking to safeguard your IT infrastructure from hackers, its best to know what methods they use. One way of doing this would be to become a certified ethical hacker (CEH) and to be one of those you will need to look at sitting and passing the CEH exam.

Computing devices all around the Earth are consistently being exploited by rampant hacking. This hacking isnt just widespread, only it is being accomplished so cleanly that the aggressors compromise an organisation, steal everything valuable and totally delete their tracks inside twenty minutes.

However, an orginisation can be at a great advantage of protection if they employed someone with the certified ethical hacker certification.

The main purpose of certified ethical hacking is to help business protect their IT systems from such attacks. One can do this by doing pre-emptive strike on the business IT systems all within legal restrictions, so they can identify any weakness in the companies security.

Why would you do this? To expose a hacker its best to start to think like one. As time goes by and technology becomes even more advanced, organisations will hang on measures such as this to protect their own e-property.

Look at it this way, a business will attack their own networks and IT infrastructure so they can find out if they have any vulnerabilities This is best done through the use of a certified ethical hacker

The certified ethical hacker is much like the similair role of a penetration tester. The ethical hacker is someone that will be taken on by a company who is entrusted to test the security of an orginisations IT infrastructure, mimicking what a hacker would do to attack a system within a company.

In the UK hacking is illegal, this is the case in many other countries. It becomes legal however when a company requests it using a certified ethical hacker. The biggest detail to remember is that the right has been given from the company to the CEH to examine the business systems.

The CEH training course gives the student the required certification of ethical hacking. This certification will help the practical knowledge of IT professionals in the security field. People such as security officers, IT professionals, and system auditors. Basically anyone that shows an intrest in the companies IT infrastructure.

You could say that once a student has passed their ceh exam, they have become someone who can anticipate and acknowledge the exposure of certain systems and can adapt this by employing the same tools and knowledge of an illeagal hacker.

When you attend a certified ethical hacker course, be sure that you do it at a well respected training centre.

The certified ethical hacker training course centres on developing you with the real life sciences called for to (after the CEH exam) receive your certification and to arrive at the ground running in your career.

CEH course will allow you to:

* Accomplish your goal of achieving a ceh certification in much les time spent compared to normal industry training.

* Realise technical ideas that are complex in their own environments via ground breaking trainer deliverance.

* Improves the information held in the student by focusing on pointing information to long term memory.

One thing you must remember is that you cant become a certified ethical hacker without the 312-50 ceh exam.

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