Sunday, December 7, 2008

Exercises Build Muscle, Even in Pools

By Caleb Lee

There is a way to get out of the gym on those hot summer days to help build muscle in your pool, but how do pool exercises build muscle?

Well, truth is, you won't build much muscle fast, however, you will improve your ability to build muscle by strengthening your joints, a slight body workout, and also great flexibility.

Your joints are crucial for lifting weights, cardio, or any kind of exercise. Swimming will be beneficial in providing your body the chance to build its joint strength for once, instead of only your muscles. This will in turn provide more strength, room for muscle building improvements, and less room for injuries.

Although this should not be your main workout, swimming will give you a full body workout without giving you stress on your body. If you use this as your only workout, the cool water will make your fat distribute differently, sending more fat to your skin, losing your muscle tone. Adding this to your regular workout schedule, about once a week, and you'll feel the results without hurting your tone.

Flexibility is also worked on in pools. You may get some flexibility training from stretching or working out, however, you will benefit more from swimming. Having good flexibility will help you in lifting weights and exercising.

Finally, your inner self will improve. Your lungs and heart will be put to the test under calm, low stress conditions. Holding your breath and swimming helps expand your lungs and pump the heart, giving you a boost in health. It would be normal to get out of the pool breathing easier and feeling better because of this.

Now you know pool exercises build muscle while also giving you better flexibility and joint strength, so incorporate this into your weekly workout and see the results for yourself.

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