Saturday, December 6, 2008

Brain Sparks for Content Ideas

By Julie Johnson

Even businesses who have talented writers generating content for their sites have slumps. When you are in a pinch for ideas, here is a good list to refer to. This includes key point to include, and what not to.

Declare your new product offerings as well as any special offers or sales. Make a list of reasons why your customers prefer to do business with you. Make it a long blog format. Describe why your products or services are higher quality than others.

Create employee profiles as well as detailed reviews of products. provide buying guides or provider lists for your products. Share personal stories with everyone, as well as customer testimonies. Create an FAQ list that answers questions individually.

Any kind of news is good content. This can be news related to your industry. Or news about or within your company. You can write about events you took part in or awards you may have earned, as well as new larger clients that you have added.

Add things like products to avoid, what not to do, things of that nature. Make lists, like top 5 lists of various topics. You can include company recommendations, as well. Take a look at your competitors, they are definitely doing the same.

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