Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What do you blog?

Faced with the facts - your blog should be updated regularly to keep readers and you always find new topics to write about. It is called "Find content. But how to maintain a continuous flow that will keep readers interested and maybe to live in this?

If you want to be popular to earn money, but the question must be in writing on this subject is emotional as you seem interested in intensive clear and beautiful? In addition to the many bloggers miss this moment. Being loaded on blogs with occasional topics, even topics that are meaningless, which are all over the map. She tries to "pistol" approach instead of "high powered rifle with the approach" (sorry to lobby against the use of arms!).

Many people hope the codes for the profession because they want to escape from the mundane jobs. They force themselves to write about something they are interested not only to fill space. Codes then becomes as mundane jobs where violence! Becomes Work. And, trust me on this, and you will not be successful in that, if it considers such action.


You will need to devote several hours hours to make your blog stresses and generate enough revenue to your left to their jobs. It may take months from the commencement of work. Is it possible to maintain this level of commitment? If not likely are not interested in your topic. Another aspect of the bright aspect of this hard work. After one of the mechanisms of your blogs are, and then easily add content and entertainment.

Another reason to write about something that is strastno because your thought processes and emotions show through his writing! If you feel indifferent about a particular topic, but still write for him just to fill space, will notice that readers. They were all written by the show its identity. He puts himself and see all. Some of you will reject, but much like you and will come back for more than your words.

I was a news anchorman for 15 years. During periods which Rating № № 2 and 1, in some cases, and in another time, but I never had a rate of 100% of the public, indeed, be more like 35% l # 1 or 24% to be № 2. It is all of its impact on the credibility of you and you write about it. It is always better to be the "big fish in a small lake!"

Forcing yourself to write will not allow its identity by presenting all. Blogging is about be printed in form myself. Write like you are telling the story of a good friend with you on the subject of love. If you are excited, my readers will return and excitement of fishing for more than that.

After selecting the main theme of its own and start posting to your blog and make it in principle until after at least once a day, even if it was only comment on the newspaper article read today. Think of yourself as a long train, pulled an old style steam engines. You know this kind of training, I am talking about. Just think - the polar express! Take much effort to move forward. First, you only inches as it moves into circulation wheels of rails gain traction. You even gaining pace and ultimately to reach his speed off.

Whatever your you know very well this issue is imperative that your machine to low steam over time, the engine need more coal in the firebox, so here are new methods of generating content for your blog.

1) to introduce ideas. The best way to put the ideas to see what means that other bloggers to say about what happens in the discussion. And the best way to find relevant blogs is: blogsearch.google.com or technorati.com. There are other tools to search or very You just have to look at. From other blogs, you can gather more knowledge on their own in this matter. You can leave a response to what others have to say, or you can use their comments before writing about them my blog! You make your own comments "roundabout".

2) to remain in contact with the world. Following contacts with other bloggers in their area will have a very inexhaustible "conversation" in a way it is not necessary to actively search for content to write. However, if you are still detained, and the demand for specialized articles relevant to your local newspapers or through Internet sites such as: news.google.com, news.yahoo.com.

3) strengthening relations. Must develop relationships with people in the same interest as a special place chosen so that the possible establishment of a bank of questions and answers and discussions interesting to write about my blog. In addition, joined in their specialized for-u-ms, but did not accede to any forum. Stick with one or two with the highest number of members, or who has one more emphasis on its position. This will also come in handy later earn much and trafficking, and if you want to leave this day to generate profits.

4) Water supply and sanitation, rinse and repeat. To maintain the timetable for publication at least once a day, while the big search engines know that your blog has new content each day. This will attract search engine spiders your page more often and will be acquired from outside the movement to be profitable.

Caution should a single word: If you use blogger.com and you post too many articles in one session, you may see on your blog blogger This is not desirable to review the block. 15 blogs and run this event with 8 of them. It is more than one week to clear them by the filer. Now I try to end only after a maximum of 24 points every 2 hours in any blog.

Now here is the most difficult part of readers and generating profits: generating traffic through search engines! Write to improve profits in Part 6 of a series of my blog. See my link in the author field. Now, remember that each day is constant efforts to build a momentum of the polar regions and expressed!

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